Manipulating the Neighbors. (Very Long English Story)

Discussion in 'English Sex Stories Indian' started by Commodore, May 28, 2016.

  1. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    She paused to let that sink. Everyone glanced at Renee who was fearfully awaiting whatever was about to happen. She was humiliated and already very sorry for causing them all trouble. She just "knew" everyone would be really angry with her and would never forgive her for getting them into this mess.

    At that moment, I decided that Beverly had run the show long enough—at least for the time being. Almost immediately, she turned to Sheree and said, "Ms. Sheree, what are you orders?"

    "I want you and Tina to oversee Amanda stripping the groom. She can start now," Sheree replied as she and her three ebony friends stepped forward, circling the groomsmen and their chosen people. She walked up behind Joy, causing her to flinch as she began rubbing her shoulders and arms, which were bare (the dress was sleeveless). Sheree said loudly enough so everyone could hear, "I absolutely love white women. I just love them!"

    Joy said nothing as Sheree's left hand moved from rubbing her bare arm and shoulder, to rubbing across her still covered stomach and down over her hip.

    "What color are your panties?" Sheree asked her after a moment of silently rubbing her hands over her. Joy's face immediately registered complete shock and embarrassment for even being asked that question. But the realization that she was expected to answer embarrassed her even more!

    She was silent for a moment before pleading, "Please don't make me answer that!"

    "Fine," Sheree replied immediately. Although she wasn't angry, Sheree was not happy with Joy's response. All of a sudden, Sheree grasped the hem of the dress and violently pulled it upwards. She pulled it so forcefully, she almost pulled it completely over the stunned woman's large tits. She held the dress there, bunched up, and demanded that Joy look at her son who was doing all he could not to look at his half-naked mother.

    "Tell us, Michael," Sheree began as she continued holding Joy's dress upwards, "What color are your mom's panties?"

    "White," he replied after a slight hesitation.

    "Have you ever seen her in panties?" Sheree asked.

    "No," he replied quickly, as though it were a dumb question before reminding her, "She's my mom!"

    "So I guess you've never seen her naked tits either?" Sheree asked as she yanked the dress completely off, leaving Joy in nothing but the panties.

    Michael's eyes widened. His mouth opened in stunned amazement as his mother's naked tits stared back at him from only a few feet away. As far as he could remember, it was the first time he'd ever seen them naked, although he had jacked off to the thought of them a couple of times.

    "Why don't you slide your panties off so he can see how wet you are," Sheree ordered her. Joy's face, neck, shoulders, and the top of her chest immediately reddened with stunned, embarrassment.

    With shaking hands and not wanting to upset the black woman anymore than she already seemed to be, Joy leaned downward, hooking her thumbs into the sides of her panties. This caused her tits to sway freely, immediately drawing Michael's complete attention. He couldn't decide whether to watch his mother's swaying tits or her pushing her panties down. But moments later as she stood back up, his eyes quickly settled on her shaven pussy, to which his saucer-sized eyes signaled was a complete shock to him.

    "Spread your legs shoulder width apart," Sheree immediately ordered as she patted the inside of the shaking woman's thigh, causing Joy to flinch. Once she was in position, Sheree looked at Michael holding two of her fingers up and said, "I want you to shove your fingers into her—the same two I'm holding up (she was holding her pointer and middle fingers up together)—and tell us if she's wet."

    As he stepped forward, I made sure Joy was soaked. He never looked at his mother as he dropped his hand down, pressing the top of his hand against her upper slit before easily sinking his two fingers (as ordered) into her soaking wet quim.

    The realization that his mother was soaked (which was evident even to someone as young and sexually inexperienced as he) caught him by complete surprise. As his fingers bottomed out into her, he quickly gave her with a questioning look ... he actually didn't know what to think. His reaction immediately gave her condition away.

    "Pull your fingers out and hold them up," Sheree ordered him immediately. Looking at his mother quizzitively, stunned at the realization that she was completely turned on by what was going on. He did as he was told, holding his dripping fingers up so everyone could see. White, glistening streaks covered his fingers, quickly running down to his hand.

    As he sank his fingers so quickly into her, Joy immeidately realized how wet she was, which absolutely stunned her. She harshly admonished herself, even thinking to herself that she was "demented," as she saw her son's reaction. She had no idea how she could be so turned on by such a horrific situation. Yet she was, and as she saw her son hold his soaking wet fingers up for the entire church to see, extreme embarrassment and guilt overtook her. She immediately began to cry.

    "There's no need to cry," Sheree called out with a slight laugh, "You can't help you're getting off on this."

    Sheree paused before saying, "Suck his fingers clean."

    "No! You can't be serious!" Joy reacted disgustedly.

    Without a word, and as quick as lightening, Sheree yanked her head backwards, holding her firmly with a fistful of hair, almost causing her to loose her balance. Joy screamed out in pain as she reached backwards with both hands futily attempting to free herself. With her upper body wrenched violently backwards, Sheree forcefully jammed two fingers into Joy's cunt.

    Joy pleaded for Sheree to release her hair, as she continued fingering her. Sheree calmly said, "Michael, put your fingers into your mother's mouth. If she doesn't suck them, push them into her throat."

    Michael quickly pushed his into his mother's opened mouth (from pleading). She immediately began sucking them, very aware of what the slight taste was.

    "Don't stop sucking his fingers until I tell you too," Sheree told her, letting off on the pressure lock she had on the woman's hair. As she continued finger-fucking Joy, Sheree soon realized she was pushing back. Sheree commented, "You like this don't you? You don't have to answer because everyone in this room knows it. Everyone knows you are about to cum all over my fingers," she paused for a moment before saying, "You're about to take your son's clothes off and then everyone is going to hear you beg him to fuck you."

    I ramped Joy's arousal level way up. Everyone, including Joy (although she was still horrified by her sexual response to this situation), believed she was extremely turned on by the idea when she let out a loud moan.

    "You are more soaked now than before," Sheree commented before asking, "Do you want to get off?"

    "Yes!" Joy moaned. Sheree motioned for Michael to take his fingers out of his mother's mouth. Continuing to finger fuck her, Sheree said, "Undress your son."

    Joy immediately grabbed Michael's jacket, ripping it down his arms. As though possessed, she ripped his tuxedo shirt down the middle, jerking the shirttail out of his pants and ripping it off his arms. Her hands fumbled with his belt for a moment before she got it, his button and zipper all completely undone. Within seconds his pants were on the floor. She demanded he kick off his shoes and as he did, she pulled his pants legs off his feet, leaving him in a t-shirt and boxers. Both of those items were just as quickly discarded, leaving him standing before his mother completely naked with the most painful hard-on he could ever remember.

    Whispers of "slut" and "whore," could be heard all around the church. Everyone was whispering as they watched in shock as someone they thought was a good housewife, ripped her son's clothes off as another woman fingered her to the brink of an orgasm.

    "Nice cock for a fifteen year old," Sheree commented as she let go of Joy's hair to grasp the boy's cock. She played with it for a moment with Joy watching with a "needful" stare.

    "I'll let you get off soon," Sheree said with a laugh, taking her fingers out of Joy's cunt, "As long as you do what you're told."

    "You aren't going to stop are you?" Joy asked, although it was more of a plea. This caused more people to whisper around the room. Her whorish actions were taking them all by complete surprise. Sheree didn't say a word as she pulled her fingers out.

    She walked down the line of groomsmen and their "partners" before stopping at Jason and his wife. Immediately, his (Jason's) wife tensed up more than she already was (which was significant--she'd been crying profusely from the moment she had been called up front and particularly so while watching how Joy was treated). Sheree stood silently to the right of her, which allowed her to look back down the entire line of groomsmen.

    She looked over to the bride and groom, now both naked, watching terrified as the events unfolded.

    "What's your name?" Sheree asked the terrified woman.

    "Carlie," she replied through the sobs.

    "Carlie what?" Sheree pressed.

    "Jones," she quickly replied, "Carlie Jones."

    "That's a nice name," Sheree replied, "And this is your husband Jason, right?"

    "Yyyyeess," Carlie replied and then quickly corrected herself, "Yes ma'am."

    "What's wrong Carlie?" Sheree asked her as though she didn't actually know.

    Carlie looked at her incrediously before replying, "This is all so wrong."

    "Really?" Sheree asked, "Are you worried that I'm going to do you like I did Joy?"

    "Yyyyyee ... yes ... yes ma'am," she replied, her voice quivering.

    "Well, let's see," Sheree began walking around the woman, as she looked her up-and-down, "Are you going to refuse to answer my questions like she did or question my orders?"

    "Of course not," she replied quickly, "I'll do whatever you want, just don't do that to us."

    "'Us?'" Sheree asked, "Are you talking about you and your husband or the whole church?"

    "Just him and me," she replied, "We barely know anyone here except the groom. He was a college buddy of Jason. Whatever fight you have with the family, we have nothing to do with it."

    "I see," Sheree replied. She paused a moment before asking, "So, what you are saying is, you'll answer any questions I may ask you, without hesitation or questioning, to keep me from doing you like I did Joy, and in return you want me to leave you two out of this simply because you are just college friends of the groom?"

    "Well," she replied, "something like that, yes."

    "Okay," Sheree nodded, "We'll see how well this goes for you," Sheree looked up at everyone else and said, "I want all the groomsmen and their partners to strip, except for Carlie and Jason."

    Even though in the backs of their minds they knew it was coming, actually hearing the orders still caught them off guard. For a few moments, no one moved.

    Finally, they all started looking around as though they were waiting on someone to take the lead. When the lady next to Carlie began unbuttoning her blouse, Sheree announced, "You just saved the entire group from a punishment. What is your name?"

    "Sheryl," the lady replied, "Sheryl Ashby."

    "Everyone in this group owe's you. Don't let them forget that," Sheree told her.

    From my seat on the third row, I watched intently as Sarah, the blonde haired chick, slowly reached behind her to unzip her dress. A moment later, it was bunched up at her feet, leaving her in a see through black bra and a black g-string.

    Sheree moved behind her, placing her hands on Sarah's exposed ass cheeks as she said, "Very, very nice body, Sarah."

    As she spoke, Sheree unclasped her bra baring her perfectly proportioned DD tits. Her hands immediately went around her to cup both breasts as she said, "I knew they were too perfect to be real. What size tits did you have before you decided to get these implants?"

    "Cs," she replied softly.

    "You just had to go out and get the big ones, huh?" Sheree asked disdainfully, "I have a rule that says a woman with the largest tits is always in charge of any women with smaller ones."

    Sheree looked down the line of the now almost naked groomsmen and their partners before continuing, "Other than Joy, who's tits are definitely bigger than a C cup, and Carlie who is still dressed, out of this group of women a C cup would be around second in command. A couple of the bridesmaids may have given you a run for your money, but not many of them. Of course we don't even have to discuss the bride's little tits."
  2. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Again Sheree paused long enough to look at Renee and Amanda, both of which were a little caught off guard to have everyone looking at them again, albeit briefly.

    She continued, "But since you decided to get fake tits, you will be treated as though you have AA cups. Your fake tits do not count as far as my rule is concerned," Sheree looked around as she said this before saying, "There aren't many people in this building that have AA cups, but even if they did, you would submit to them by default, since your tits are fake and theirs aren't."

    With that Sheree ripped the g-string down Sarah's legs, quickly having her to step out of them. Then she walked around in front of her, lifting her own shirt over her head and off. She then reached back to unclasp her bra before baring her huge, milk chocalote tits to the room.

    "These are REAL DD tits," she announced as she put her hand on the back of Sarah's head, forcing her face in between them, "You better get used to this. Lick them bitch!"

    As she did this, Sheree's pushed her other hand downward between Sarah's ass cheeks, stopping briefly on her asshole, before moving underneath to her pussy.

    "You are a good looking white bitch," Sheree told her as she played with her clit. She did this for several minutes before saying, "I wish I had more time to break you in. But I don't."

    With that, Sheree let Sarah go. She held her fingers up to her nose, sniffed them, and said, "You're wet but nothing close to what Joy was."

    She looked down the line at the other women. By now everyone was naked. They were all very conscious of their state of undress, each believing everyone in the room was looking at them specifically.

    Sheree made her way back to Jason and Carlie Jones. Standing between them she looked at Carlie and said, "You remember our deal, right? You'll answer my questions without hesitation or questions, is that still the deal?"

    "Of course," Carlie replied quickly. For the first time, she began to believe she and Jason would get out of this situation unscathed.

    "First question," Sheree began, "How much do you weigh?"

    Carlie, who was very light skinned, almost pale white, with slightly curly, shoulder length, strawberry blonde hair, blushed furiously from immediate embarrassment. She looked wide-eyed at Sheree for a moment before looking uncertainly at the floor. After a moment of what seemed like retrospection, she softly replied, "Two hundred and twenty-two pounds."

    "Yeah, I was close," Sheree replied unceremoniously, "I had you pegged at around two-forty. You're what, 5'2?"

    "5'4," Carlie replied.

    "You know," Sheree continued, "This dress you have on looks like you took a big window curtain, sewed a few buttons on it, and called it a dress. Where did you get the idea that an ankle length, white skirt with a red floral design was fashionable? With no sleeves and the large buttons down the front, it looks like something out of an old folks' home, not to mention the fact that it does nothing to hide your two spare tires and your large, square ass."

    Gasps were heard all around the church as Sheree verbally unloaded on the now crying woman. She continued, "But as much as you attempted to hide the rest of your fat body, you decided to show some cleavage. What's your cup size?"

    Still reeling from the very harsh and humiliating criticism, Carlie didn't immediately respond. She wiped the tears from her eyes, as her lip quivered, looking briefly at her husband, sniffing as she did, before saying, "Double Fs."

    Sheree laughed before saying, "Holy Shit! Those aren't tits, they're udders!"

    There were a few brief giggles mixed in with more gasps as Sheree and company had a good laugh at the expense of the completely mortified woman.

    After a few moments of this Sheree asked, "So, I already know the answer to this question, but I'm going to ask anyway; do they stand up or do your nipples just hang there, looking at the ground?"

    Crying more than before, Carlie replied, "They droop."

    "They only droop?" Sheree asked with sarcastic disbelief, "I bet they do more than 'droop.'"

    Sheree paused for effect before changing the subject, "Was your husband your first fuck?"

    "Yes," she replied, "Of course."

    "Who else has touched you?" Sheree continued, "And you better not lie to me."

    "I swear no one has touched me, like that, except Jason," Carlie replied defensively.

    "Are you sure? You better not lie to me!" Sheree snapped back menacingly.

    "I promise!" she replied before, once again, breaking down into sobs.

    Sheree was silent a moment as she again began walking slowly around Carlie, looking her up-and-down as though she was evaluating her

    "Do you shave your cunt?" Sheree asked, again stunning everyone. There were several quick intakes of breath around the church.

    "No," she replied quickly, "Of course I don't!"

    "You say that like no one does it," Sheree replied, "There are only three women in here, out of nine who are naked, who aren't shaved."

    "I didn't mean to say it like that," Carlie quickly clarified, "I simply don't."

    "Have you ever?" Sheree continued.

    "No," Carlie replied. Her pale, white face and neck continued to redden with embarrassment.

    "How old are you?" Sheree asked.

    "Twenty-six," she responded.

    "So, you are telling me, that in twenty-six years you have never so much as trimmed that bush between your legs?"

    "No, I haven't," Carlie answered, again softly.

    "This is going to be interesting," Sheree mumbled turning her attention, for the first time, to Jason.

    I quickly gave Sheree a great "idea" just before she addressed him.

    "Jason," she began smiling as she looked him up and down. He nervously rocked back and forth from one foot to the other, pushing his wire-rimmed glasses up his back up his nose, "I'm going to make a deal with you. Come over here with me."

    He followed her over to stand in front of the bridesmaids before she continued, "I'm going to give you a choice. You can take your wife and leave the church right now, without anything happening to either of you, other than the few embarrassing questions your wife had to answer. But they weren't too bad."

    He immediately turned towards his wife when Sheree told him the rest of the deal, "Or you can choose any of these bridesmaids you want and fuck her brains out."

    Her offer stopped him dead in his tracks. He turned back to look at her as though he hadn't heard her clearly.

    She continued, "If you choose to leave, nothing happens to either of you. If you choose to fuck the bridesmaid, you can do whatever you want to her. However you have to do it right here, right now. In return, you give me permission to do anything I want to you and your wife. Choose wisely."

    "Jason!" Carlie cried out when she realized he was actually thinking about which choice to take, "Get us out of here! What are you thinking?"

    Jason turned to look at his now irate wife before looking back at the line of bridesmaids. It was as though he was in slow motion, turning from his wife to the bridesmaids several times. In a split second, I made sure how he would answer.

    "What happens if I choose a bridesmaid?" he asked apprehensively.

    "JASON!" Carlie screamed at him as she moved angrily towards him. Shunetta and LaToya, two of Sheree's black friends, quickly intercepted her.

    "You will immediately forfeit your wife over to me," she replied, "After you get off with whichever maid you choose, you will forfeit yourself to me. You and your wife will do whatever I tell you to do."

    "Don't you dare Jason Jones!" Carlie threatened. Her weak, pitiful demeanor from a few minutes eariler had completely disappeared. She was irrate, as she demanded for Jason to get them out of here.

    Jason pointed at Kimberly, one of the bridemaids, as he said, "I pick her."

    "What's your name?" Sheree asked as she walked up to Kimberly, Renee's cousin. As she managed to squeak out her name, a knot immediately formed in the pit of Kimberly's stomach as she realized that a complete stranger had just chosen to fuck her instead of getting him and his wife out of danger.

    "Kimberly, come stand next to Jason," Sheree ordered her. Sheree then moved back to stand in front of a sobbing Carlie.

    "How could you!?!" Carlie screamed at Jason who was now paying little attention to her as Kimberly stepped next to him, as ordered.

    "You can't blame him!" Sheree said loudly enough to be heard over the woman's sobs.

    "What do you mean I can't blame him?!?!" Carlie asked furiously.

    "Look at you and then look at Kimberly," Sheree began, continuing to humilitate the woman, "You are a complete and total fat ass with huge udders. Kimberly, it appears, has really nice tits and a very good looking ass," Sheree looked at Jason and asked, "Jason, is Carlie the only woman you've ever fucked?"

    "Yes," he replied.

    "You definitely can't blame him," Sheree repeated, "He's never been with a good looking woman. Now he has his chance," she paused long enough to laugh before continuing, "But before he does, I get to collect on the first of two payments he agreed too: you."

    "Please," she pleaded as Shunetta and Latoya grabbed her by each arm, holding her in place as Sheree reached for the top button on her dress, "Please don't do this!"

    "Hush," Sheree replied as she unbuttoned the top most button, causing more of Carlie's cleavage to spill out, which in turn caused her to plead even more.
  3. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    "Please, don't do this to me. I've never been naked in front of anyone but Jason," she sobbed.

    Sheree said nothing as she unbuttoned the next button. Carlie could do nothing but watch as Sheree quickly worked her way down her dress, and within moments, unbuttoned the last button causing each flap of her dress to hang downward and open. Brief flashes of her white bra, stomach, panties, and legs could easily be seen just before Sheree pushed the dress over her shoulders and down her arms. Shunetta and Latoya helped pull it off her arms. They let go of her arms as the dress fell to the floor, leaving her in white "granny" panties and a huge, white, full-bodied bra.

    Once again Carlie stood by self-consciously as Sheree quietly circled her, as she once again looking her over from top-to-bottom.

    After a few minutes of silence, Sheree looked across to Kimberly and said, "Strip down to your underwear."

    Kimberly flinched at the suddeness of the order, but knew it would come eventually. Not wanting to upset the large, black woman, Kimberly reached behind her, unzipping her light blue, bridesmaid's dress. Jason's eyes were glued to her as he watched the straps of the dress fall down her arms, causing the cups of the dress to finally fall forward and off her huge tits (the dress had built in cups). Unlike his wife Carlie, Kimberly's tits were both very large and stood up nicely. Once her dress was on the floor and her high heels kicked off, Kimberly only had on a pair of light blue thongs.

    "Come here Kimberly," Sheree ordered her. Once in front of her, Sheree said, "Turn around."

    Kimberly turned her back to Sheree and Carlie as Sheree began, "Do you see Kimberly's hips?"

    "Yes," Carlie sobbed.

    "Do you see how you can tell where her sides, and back, end and her hips begin? Her hips flair beautifully and her ass sticks outward very nicely. You can tell she has an ass and hips, separate from her back and sides," Sheree pointed out as they looked at Kimberly's mostly naked ass. Putting her hands on Kimberly's hips, Sheree demonstrated her following statement, "You can't tell where your ass stops and your sides and back begin. I would say you have love handles, but you have more than that. Your ass is square and flat. Contrast that with Kimberly's feminine swell. She needs to work on a few areas herself, but she is a very good example of what you lack."

    She paused a moment before continuing, "Look at her legs. They are firm and slightly tanned. Yours are flabby, oversized, as white as a sheet, and both your thighs and your ass cheeks have cellulite," Sheree again paused before saying, "Kimberly, face us."

    Kimberly immediately did as she was told, forcing her to look at Carlie. Sheree didn't give her time to worry about it, as she said, "Carlie, take off your fucking bra."

    With her hands shaking, Carlie did as she was told, releasing her huge, swaying tits.

    "Those may be the largest fucking tits I have ever seen," Sheree declared, "And that's not a good thing! Your fucking nipples are literally pointing at the ground and nearly reach your belly button. I bet if you got on your hands and knees, they would touch the floor! And look at your huge areoles! They are as large as the tops of your mammoth tits, but are only slightly darker than your sheet-white skin. And your fucking nipples are so tiny they nearly get lost. Even though Kimberly's tits droop slightly, they are at least attractive."

    She looked at Jason and said, "Strip."

    Without a word, he quickly began shedding his clothes. A moment later, he dropped his underwear, revealing a thin, 3 ½ inch (or so) boner. Sheree immediately laughed, "Is that the only thing you've ever been fucked with Carlie?"

    "Yes," Carlie replied quickly, hoping no one could hear her but knowing they all could.

    "You are in for a treat," Sheree replied still laughing, "Even if you don't realize it."

    She grabbed his cock and squeezed it, laughing as she did.

    "Now ladies," Sheree continued with them, "Drop your panties."

    As soon as they stood back up from pushing their underwear down their legs, Sheree immediately pointed out, "Carlie, that is the most cunt hair I have ever seen in my life. You are definitely a natural strawberry-blonde. I can't see anything in that fucking jungle," she paused a moment as she looked between Kimberly's legs before announcing, "Yet another woman who shaves."

    As she said this, Sheree cupped Kimberly's naked pussy, running her hand down her slit, "You are soaked! Are you enjoying yourself?"

    Kimberly couldn't believe it when she heard herself say, "Yes!"

    "Who are you here with?" Sheree asked her as she began rubbing her clit.

    "My mom," Kimberly pointed to Joy who was watching everything from only a few feet away, my brother, dad, and sister. She pointed at them as she called them out.

    "Are you related to the bride or groom?" Sheree asked, "Or are you're families just really close? There are too many people from your family here for you to be just causal friends."

    Kimberely couldn't stop herself as she said, "I am the bride's first cousin."

    "I see," Sheree replied smiling, "This is certainly going to get interesting. Are you kin to her through your mom or dad?"

    "My mom and her mom are sisters," she replied.

    Sheree replied, "You apparently get your soaking wet cunt honestly, since your mother's was exactly the same when I fingered her earlier. I bet," Sheree added, "Your sister is the same way. We'll see soon."

    She turned her full attention back to Carlie as she suddenly ran her fingers through the large woman's thick bush, sliding her finger down her slit.

    "You have a very long, fat slit," Sheree commented, "Stand with your legs wide open."

    Carlie adjusted her position, giving Sheree total access to her cunt. A moment later, Sheree's pointer finger was completely buried in Carlie's quim.

    "You are definitely tight but we all know why," she laughed again as they all looked over at Jason's cock, which was standing at attention. He, however, never took his eyes of Kimberly, "But, you are wet enough to take a cock. You're not nearly as wet as Joy or Kimberly, though."

    The last statement embarrassed the other two women significantly.

    "Kimberly, lay down on the floor," Sheree told her, "It's time Jason got his cock wet in a good looking bitch."

    She paused long enough to let Kimberly lie down before continuing, "Kimberly, before we start, you should know that you do not have permission to get off. Your job is to get Jason off. If you do get off, it will be up to Carlie to decide your punishment. Do you understand?"

    "Yes ma'am," Kimberly replied.

    "Jason, if you get her off before you do, I will allow you to fuck her mother and sister before we leave here," Sheree told him, "If you don't get her off, you'll be punished. If it happens that you get to where you simply can't hold back any longer and you MUST get off, you must first ask for my permission AND receive that permission before you do. Otherwise, you'll still be punished, regardless of who gets off when."

    Jason nodded that he understood as he placed his cock at Kimberly's entrance. Sheree walked around behind Carlie, running one hand over her huge tits and the other down to her slit.

    She spoke as they all watched him quickly thrust forward, "Normally a woman with tits like yours, which are so huge and saggy that they are completely unattractive, would not even be in the running for being in charge of these other women. Usually, when we capture people as we have done here, the woman with the largest tits is given full authority over the other women, with the exception of me and my group of course. That woman usually has nice, big, attractive tits. It appears that Kimberly actually has the largest, most attractive tits here, although she is in a very close race with her mother and maybe that lady over there (Sheree pointed at someone in the crowd)."

    She paused a moment, as everyone continued watching Jason slam his cock into Kimberly, before continuing, "But if Kimberly cums first, I am going to give you that title. You will have full authority over every woman in this room except, as I said, me and my group. Every woman in this room will be subjected to any order you may decide to give them, no matter what that order is."

    Sheree continued playing with Carlie's breasts and fingering her pussy as she spoke. They continued watching Jason and Kimberly fuck.

    Within minutes Kimberly's legs were wrapped around Jason's back as she screamed at him to fuck her harder. Everyone in the church, including Kimberly, was stunned by her performance. She couldn't believe how much being fucked in front of so many people was turning her on!

    Jason, on the other hand, had already begun fighting the urge to cum almost from the moment he inserted his cock into Kimberly. She was by far the best-looking woman he had ever been with. Combine that with her sex-crazed performance, he was quickly approaching the point of no return.

    Sheree pushed Carlie to her knees just beside her husband and Kimberly. Taking Carlie's hand and placing it on Kimberly's stomach, just below her belly button she and said, "Tell Jason to put a baby right there."

    Sheree patted Carlie on the back of her hand as it laid on Kimberly's heaving lower abdomen. As Sheree did this, she continued to finger Carlie's cunt with the other hand.

    "Carlie, dear," Sheree continued, "Your cunt is beginning to flood. Do you like the idea of your husband impregnating someone else? Or do you just like touching naked women on their cock filled bellies?"

    "I don't know what you're talking about," Carlie replied. She knew she was soaking wet and admonished herself for being so. She couldn't believe she was so turned on by this! She replied unconvincingly, "I don't like any of this!"

    "That's not what your soaking wet chism is saying," Sheree replied, "My hand is soaked. Now tell your husband to put a baby in her belly, right now! Lift her head up so she can see your hand patting her belly. Her tits are in the way as she is right now."

    With her right arm, Carlie reached under Kimberly's upper back to help lift her upper body enough so she could see over her tits. Kimberly watched intently as Carlie's left hand slowly rubbed her stomach just above her slit as she said, "Jason, hunny," Carlie began tentatively at first.

    Holding Kimberly's upper body caused Carlie to lean forward slightly, which left her pussy wide open from behind. Sheree immediately took advantage of this, moving her hand to attack her pussy from behind. She easily plunged two fingers deeply into Carlie's drenched pussy and quickly picked up a relatively quick pace. Carlie looked at her husband after briefly pausing to get re-aquainted with Sheree's fingers, "Hunny, I want you to put a baby in her belly, right here."

    Carlie paused after she said that before stunning everyone, including herself when she added, "I want to feel your cock as it unloads in her."

    "I've got to cum!" Jason cried out almost immediately.

    Kimberly wasn't far behind him, "Oh God, please let me get off!!!"

    "Neither one of you have my permission yet!" Sheree quickly pointed out, "Apparently, Kimberly likes the idea of having your baby, Jason!"

    "Please," Kimberly began to moan, "I have to get off now!"

    She was beginning to sweat from excersion. Her left arm was over Carlie's shoulders, which she unknowingly was using as leverage to slam herself back onto the woman's husband.

    Jason had Kimberly doubled over, only Carlie's position kept him from trying to bend her completely in half. He was sweating profusely as he held himself over his latest conquest, slamming himself into her as fast and as hard as he could.

    Carlie realized that she too was getting very close to cumming. She had no idea why she was so turned on. But there was no mistaking that feeling. She silently screamed at herself for such horrible feelings.

    "Carlie, you don't have my permission to get off either," Sheree told her loudly enough so everyone could here, "If you cum without permission, you too will be punished."

    "I have no idea what makes you think I would do such a thing!" Carlie shot back.

    "Your pussy is what gives me the idea. If I breathed through my hand, I would have drowned a long time ago," Sheree laughed. Several others around the church snorted at the joke.

    "Please," Kimberly groaned, "Please let me get off!"

    "Suck Carlie's tit, Kimberly," Sheree ordered.

    Without hesitation, Kimberely immediately sucked the huge tit into her mouth, sucking greedily. Almost simultaneously, Sheree moved Carlie's hand down to Kimberly's clit.
  4. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Seeming Kimberly take his wife's tit in her mouth was all Jason could handle. He almost immediately began to cum. As soon as she felt Kimberly's mouth engulf her tit, Carlie began cumming as well. Carlie's fingers on her clit immediately sent shock waves through Kimberly that she could not handle in her already very sensitive state. She quickly joined the other two as all three moaned (and one screamed) out their orgasms.

    After they finally calmed down, Sheree said, "I hope you three enjoyed that. None of you had permission so all of you will be punished."

    She paused a moment before continuing, "Jason, go get back in line. Since you are groomsman number six, go ahead and drop to your hands and knees, facing the crowd. Carlie, stand about ten feet in front of him facing him. Groomsmen four and five, I believe that's Rob and Scotty, you do the same thing. Kimberly, get back in line with the bridesmaids. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and don't you dare wipe yourself off."

    Again she paused, this time to give them enough time to comply with her orders before she said, "Again, everyone remember, what is about to happen is Renee's fault. Don't forget that."

    Renee suddenly found everyone's attention back on her, causing her to tear up once again.

    Sheree ignored her, as she reached into the large black bag she had brought, pulling out three strap-on dildos. Again, several gasps were heard throughout the building. Each dildo was around six inches long, around 2 inches around, and jet-black.

    "I don't believe we've been properly introduced," Sheree said as she handed the first strap-on to Rob's mother. What's your name?"

    "Jeanie Clark," she replied softly as Sheree ran her hands across her naked tits and stomach, before doing the same to her ass.

    "Your tits are small, but beautiful, and very firm. I love how your nipples point slightly upwards and your breasts are just big enough for a handful. How old are you?"

    "Thirty-nine," she replied, her voice and body shaking, as Sheree ran her hands over her naked body.

    "Your son is how old?" Sheree asked.

    "Twenty-one," Jeanie replied.

    "So you had him when you were eighteen," Sheree noted, "Do you have other kids?"

    "A daughter," she replied with tears in her eyes.

    "Is she here today?" Sheree asked looking around the room.

    "Yes," she replied after a moment's hesitation.

    "Tell her to stand up," Sheree ordered her, before noticing her wedding ring and asking, "Is your husband here too?"

    "No, he's not, "Jeanie responded, before saying, "Lindsay, hunny, stand up."

    She immediately turned to Sheree and pleaded, "Please leave her out of this. She's only twelve."

    As they watched Lindsay stand, Sheree replied, "That's going to depend on how well you and your son cooperate," she turned to look at Lindsay and said, "Step out into the aisle so everyone can get a good look at you."

    As she wiped tears from her eyes, Lindsay made her way to the aisle. Sheree didn't say anything for a few moments, as she simply watched the girl figit nervously from foot-to-foot, crossing and re-crossing her arms.

    "You are very pretty, Lindsay," Sheree commented after a moment, "You don't have to be nervous, I'm not going to do anything to you."

    This seemed to somewhat calm the girl, she finally managed to stand still, although she was still sniffling. Sheree then commented,"She takes after her mother, Jeanie. You should be proud. She's got shoulder-length brown hair, a nice tan, and a very stylish dress. Turn to your side so we can get a profile look."

    Lindsay did as she was told. Sheree continued to comment, "She's already getting a nice little butt, just like you, Jeanie. It sticks outward although neither of you have any flare, but that's okay. I wonder if it's as firm as yours?"

    Sheree asked the question as she squeezed both of Jeanie's ass cheeks, "Your ass is very firm, Jeanie. I really like that."

    "How tall are you?" Sheree asked.

    "I don't know," Jeanie replied, "5'0, maybe."

    "What do you weigh?" Sheree continued her questioning.

    "One, ten," Jeanie replied.

    "Very nice," Sheree replied as she ran her hand down to Jeanie's cunt, "You don't shave, but you keep your cat trimmed nicely. You have a tiny slit; I like that too. You aren't soaking wet like some of the others."

    Once again Joy, Kimberly, and Carlie were all humiliated by the sudden reference to their arousal levels.

    "Are you a virgin, Lindsay," Sheree asked.

    "Yes," she replied, giving Sheree a look that said there was no way she would be anything but that.

    "Have you ever let a boy touch you?" she continued.

    "No!" Lindsay replied, again sharply.

    "Lindsay, you can go sit down," Sheree told her, "I really like that dress you have on. Your mother at least makes sure you're modest. You have a high neckline and a hem that falls below your knees. As long as your mother and brother don't fuck up, you'll get to keep your little dress on."

    "But if they do fuck up," Sheree continued, suddenly threateningly, pushing her finger tip against Jeanie's asshole, causing Jeanie to immediatley tense up, "I'll make sure you get opened up thoroughly. I bet your asshole isn't any tighter than your mom's. Jeanie, at thirty-nine years old, is your asshole still virgin?"

    "Yes," she replied almost as though she were ashamed, before pleading, "We'll do whatever you want, just leave her out of this."

    "Okay, deal," Sheree replied. Then she asked, "Do you know how to put on this double-headed strap-on?"

    "I think I can figure it out," Jeanie replied holding it out front of her as she looked at it. She bended downward, stepping into the loop, before pulling it up her leg. She momentarily held her breath as she eased one end of the double-headed dildo into her pussy. After taking a moment to adjust to it, she fed the leather strap through a clasp on her side, tightening it firmly against her hip. The 'male' end of the cock stood proudly in front of her, the back of the dildo completely covering her upper slit.

    "How does it feel?" Sheree asked as she grasped the dildo, pushing firmly against her.

    "Okay," Jeanie replied suddenly, the pressure in her pussy caught her by surprise.

    "It'll feel great in a few minutes," Sheree replied moving to the next person.

    "And you are Sheryl," Sheree called out as she handed the second strap-on to her, "The lady that saved the entire group from a severe punishment earlier."

    "You are a little overweight," Sheree commented looking her up and down, "But nothing like Carlie. You just need to exercise a little bit. You are big and small in all the wrong places. Your ass is just a little bit wider and longer than it needs to be with a touch of cellulite, but nothing you can't fix. Your arms, thighs, and calves are a little bigger than average and they all need toning. You have the beginnings of love handles but you don't have too bad of a stomach pouch—your are certainly not a muffin top, but in a few more months you may be knocking on the door. Your tits are small, which is where I got the 'small in all the wrong places.' They are actually nice and rounded, your nipples point outward. How old are you?"

    "Forty-eight," she replied softly crying.

    "Your tits are damn nice for a forty-eight year old!" Sheree commented, "You are, what, a large B cup or a small C?"

    "Yes ma'am," Sheryl remembered to use the formal reply, "I wear a size C bra."

    "Very nice," Sheree replied, "You are also a little tall for a woman, which is another reason your tits seem to get lost on your body. But your face is very attractive, even though you wear your hair like an old lady, other than it being shoulder length."

    Sheree ran her hands across Sheryl's tits before saying, "They still point outward, but it won't be long before they begin their journey down. They aren't firm at all. They are very soft, but some people like that."

    Her hand moved down her back, into her ass cheeks, stopping at her backdoor.

    "You certainly aren't a virgin back here," Sheree asked loudly enough so everyone could hear, completely embarrassing her, "Are you?"

    "No ma'am," Sheryl replied almost too softly to hear.

    "What was that?" Sheree asked.

    "No ma'am," she repeated a little louder, "I'm not."

    "I see you're not wearing a wedding ring," Sheree observed, "So, do you have a boyfriend on the side or are you using a dildo on yourself?"

    Sheryl's first reaction was to tell her it was none of her business, but I quickly intervened. She began crying profusely, as she said, "Of course not. My first ex-husband, Scotty's dad, has been raping me for two years, which was when I got my last divorce."

    "Mom!" Scotty cried out absolutely stunned at the revelation, "What are you talking about? When?"

    "All the time," she sobbed, "He video tapes us and threatens if I tell you, he'll sale the tapes to porn sites. He also threatens to do the same to Jenny if I tell anyone. He comes to the house, he even comes to my work, since I only have a couple of co-workers and my own office. He walks right into my office, shuts the door, and orders me to bend over my desk. I can only wear skirts to work, so he can have quick and easy access, and I can only wear bras with a clasp in the front."
  5. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    She sobbed as she finished her story.

    "Do you really think he would do that to his daughter?" Sheree asked.

    "It's not his daughter," Sheryl replied, "I had Jenny in my second marriage. He always talks about fucking us together. I've managed to keep him away from her so far."

    "Is he why your cunt is so smooth?" Sheree immediately asked knowing the answer, as she rubbed her hand across her mound and down her slit.

    "Yes ma'am," she continued sobbing, "According to him, I have to stay as 'smooth as the day I was born, ' or he will whip me. He's whipped me many times."

    "And he fucks your ass a good bit?" Sheree continued her questioning as she rubbed Sheryl's clit, immediately eliciting a jolt from her.

    "Only my ass," she replied, "And nearly everyday. He says I don't deserve a cock in my pussy nor do I deserve to get off. He fucks my ass and leaves. He won't let me date. I can't even play with myself. He claims to have my home, office, and car monitored. I didn't believe him at first. But he brought a video of me playing with myself. Even though I didn't get off, I got a beating for disobeying him."

    Sheree turned to Scotty and asked, "And you didn't have any idea this was going on?"

    "He couldn't have known. He's been in college for two years. He only comes home on the holidays, since his college is so far away," she immediately defended him before he could reply.

    Sheree continued playing with the woman's clit before dipping her finger into her pussy, "You're soaked. How long has it been since you've cum?"

    "God! I have no idea," Sheryl replied. Her breathing was picking up from the attention Sheree was giving her clit, "It's been a long time ... at least a year, probably a year and a half."

    "That's a long time," Sheree replied quickening her pace on the woman's clit, "I bet you really need to get off."

    "No, not here," she replied huskily, "Not like this."

    "Fine," Sheree replied pulling completely away from her. She then asked, "Is your daughter here?"

    Sheryl's face seemed to drop as Sheree pulled away, but she quickly recovered not wanting anyone to see her disappointment, as she admonished herself. She replied, "No, she's not."

    "Put on the strap-on," Sheree ordered. She watched Sheryl quickly put the harness on, seeming to relish the feeling of taking one end up her pussy. Sheree smiled as Sheryl adjusted and readjusted it on her clit. Without another word, she moved on to Carlie, handing her the last one. She said nothing as she watched her put on the strap-on.

    "Okay," Sheree began once the dildos were in place, "I want groomsman number one, that's Ben, to pair up with groomsman number four, which would be Rob. Michael is with Scotty, and Adam with Jason. I want you three to stand next to your partner. Everyone spread out a little to give each other a little room. Remember, I've said this like three times, this is all Renee's fault. Don't forget that."

    She paused to let the reminder sink in before continuing, "In a moment, I will need Jeanie, Sheryl, and Carlie to kneel behind Sarah, Joy, and Julie, in that order. For now, I want all the women on their knees side by side facing the guys."

    Sheree watched as everyone got into position. There were four groups with about four feet between them, with groomsmen number 1 and 4 grouped together (2 and 5 were together and 3 and 6 were together), with groomsmen one standing (just as Renee had chosen, although she had no idea what for). Just as she had chosen, groomsmen one through three were all standing, while the others were on their hands and knees. All of the women were kneeling, with their backs to the crowd, while the men were facing the crowd.

    Sheree continued once everyone was in place. She grabbed Ben (who was standing) by the arm, and moved him in front of the kneeling Jeanie. He was only slightly embarrassed that his cock was at full attention, as it bounced wildly in front of Jeanie's face, "Michael, you need to stand in front of Sheryl and Adam in front of Carlie."

    The guys adjusted their positions, as they were ordered. Sheree continued, "Now, you guys who are on your hands and knees, that would be Rob, Scotty, and Jason, in a moment you will need to put your chests flat on the floor, and spread your knees shoulder width apart. For the moment, you can stay up on your hands and knees, facing the women."

    They all had worried looks, but said nothing.

    "You women that are kneeling in front of the guy that is standing, lean forward and suck their cocks. So that means Jeanie is sucking Ben's cock, Sheryl is sucking Michael's, and Carlie is sucking Adam's," Sheree laughed as she pointed out, "Carlie, Adam's cock is considerably bigger than Jason's. You want to make sure to get as much of it as nice and wet as you can."

    Sheryl was the first to comply with the order, as though she had known what was coming, and had prepared herself for it. She gently grasped Michael's five-inch boner, licking around the head before slowly taking more into her mouth. The slurping sounds could be heard all over the deathly quiet church.

    This seemed to spur Carlie along, as she reached out to take Adam's cock in hand. She looked at it a moment, as though she had never seen one before gently sucking it into her mouth.

    Jeanie, on the other hand, turned to looked at Sheree as though she were going to protest. Sheree immediately held her hand up, immediately warning her, "Jeanie, unless you want to call young Lindsay down to the front and have her remove that dress for us, I would advise you to do what the others have done, and quietly."

    Everyone's attention briefly turned to Lindsay, who was covering her mouth with her hand, with tears streaming down her cheeks. Jeanie, though, didn't turn to look. The threat was all that was needed. Without any further hesitation, she leaned forward, sucking Ben's cock into her mouth.

    Everyone watched as the three women, with the fake phalluses hanging between their legs, sucked the groomsmen's cocks.

    "Now, we are going to play a little game," Sheree announced as the sucking and slurping intensified, "There are three categories: the first person overall to get off, the first man to get off, and the first woman to get off. You do not want to be either of the three, and if you are you will be severly punished. Of course the first person to get off overall will also fall into one of the other categories—which means twice the punishment for that person."

    She continued, "However, on the other hand, if your partner falls into those categories, you will be rewarded nicely—particularly the one whose partner gets off first overall."

    She paused before saying, "You have thirty more seconds to get those cocks as wet as you possibly can, and ladies, it would be in your best interests to do so."

    Thirty seconds later, after watching the three ladies sucking as fast as they knew how, Sheree called 'time.' All three women were a little red-faced from excersion, although a touch of it was from shame.

    "Okay, ladies, switch spots with each other as the guys who are kneeling turn around like I told them too earlier," Sheree ordered, "I want your chests on the floor with your asses high in the air guys. Those of you kneeling in front of your husbands, I want you to suck their cocks, but do not let them get off. IF they get off, you will be severely punished."

    Again, without a word as the other women had, they took their partner's cocks into their mouths.

    Carlie immediately noticed a significant difference between the size of her husband's (who she was now sucking) and Adam's and almost just as quickly wondered if it would make that much difference in her pussy. She felt herself immediately moisten at the thought, which resulted in her thoroughly scolding herself for such vile thoughts.

    Although he had been naked for a while, Sheryl had not really paid much attention to her son until she was leaning forward to take his cock into her mouth. It was at that moment that she realized his cock looked almost identical to his dad's. This caused her to suck inward at the moment she took him into her mouth, and as she had done his father so many times in the last two years, took the entirety of his cock into her throat in one motion. It was as though she were on autopilot.

    "Careful mom!" Scotty cried out, "It won't take much to get me off like that!"

    She said nothing, but did pull him out of her throat, sucking his cock lightly enough to allow him time to calm down.

    All Adam could think about when Julie, his girlfriend, sank her mouth onto his cock was just how good of a cocksucker she was, at least compared to the fat-ass Carlie. He didn't realize he had a slight smile on his face as he closed his eyes, enjoying the attention his naked girlfriend was giving him. Sheree made a note of his smirk, saying nothing now, but making sure to later.

    "You women behind the guys with their asses in the air, have you ever seen them from this perspective?" Sheree laughed, "Look at their hairy ball sacks hanging down and their tiny assholes."

    She paused, looking to make sure each of the women was looking where she told them too. All of them were. She continued, "Jeanie, have you ever seen your son like this?"

    "Of course not!" she replied immediately.

    "Everyone pay attention. I'm only going to explain my orders once," Sheree began without responding to Jeanie. Sheree took something else out of her bag, but did not let anyone see it, "I am going say to this group what I want them to do and I want the rest of you to do exactly what they do. Understand?"

    Everyone nodded as they looked towards a very embarrassed Jeanie. Ben, still getting a blow job from his girlfriend, was even a little embarrassed by the sudden attention.

    "Jeanie, I want you use your thumbs to pull your son's ass cheeks apart as far as they will go," Sheree began, immediately drawing a horrified expression from the shaking woman, "And lick his entire ass crack and asshole. I want you to lick his balls a few times, but that's not important. You will want to get his asshole as wet as you possibly can, trust me."

    "You can't be serious!" Jeanie gasped, "That is absolutely the sickest thing I've ever heard of!"

    "Lindsay!" Sheree immediately called out, without directly responding to Jeanie's outburst, "Come to the front please."

    "No! Please," Jeanie immediately realized the consequences of her actions. Sheree turned to the other women and said, "I expect you all to immediatley do as I just said or there will be severe consequences for you too."

    The other two women, although Carlie retched a couple of times before she actually started, did as they were told. Soon, Sheryl's face was buried in her son's asshole as Carlie was buried in her husband's.

    Lindsay began crying from the moment she stood up. Now, standing next to Sheree in front of the whole church sobbing, Sheree petted her arms and shoulders. Jeanie's continous pleas had thus far been totally ineffective as Sheree completely ignored her.

    "Lindsay, hunny," Sheree began as she rubbed the girl's naked upper arms. The dress she was wearing didn't have sleeves, "Earlier, I gave your mother and brother a chance to keep you out of this. Do you remember that?"

    "Yes ma'am," she sobbed, "Please don't hurt me."

    "Please, Ms. Sheree," Jeanie beggingly sobbed, "Please don't do this."

    "Do you remember when she agreed to do whatever I told her, without question?" Sheree asked her.

    "Yes ma'am," Lindsay replied.

    "And did you just hear your mother question something I told her to do?" Sheree continued her questioning.

    "Yes ma'am," Lindsay said crying harder now.

    "You have such soft skin, Lindsay," Sheree said rubbing her hands across the girl's face, neck, and shoulders, "You are a beautiful young girl."

    Sheree said this just before grasping her chin. Since Lindsay's head only came to the top of her chest, Sheree had to lean downward before forcing her mouth to the girl's. She attempted to force the girl's mouth open with her tongue, but Lindsay kept her mouth closed tightly.

    She immediately broke the kiss and demanded, "Kiss me back and you better do the best you can or I will do things to you that you can't begin to imagine."

    Sheree again pressed her lips to the sobbing girl's, although this time Lindsay opened her mouth to immediately find Sheree's tongue inside. Tentatively, she ran her tongue along Sheree's lips, hoping she was doing it the right way.
  6. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    After a few moments of this, Sheree again broke the kiss, this time pushing the girl's mouth to her large tits, "You are definitely new to kissing. Suck my nipple while your mother eat's your brother's ass."

    She turned so that Lindsay could see her mother and brother while she was sucking. Immediately, Lindsay felt Sheree's hand on the back of her head guiding her mouth to her large, fat nipples.

    She was just closing her mouth around the hard nub as her mother put her thumbs on either of her brother's ass cheeks, leaned forward, and began licking his asshole from the bottom to the top, as though she were eating an ice cream cone.

    "Look up Jeanie," Sheree called out after a few moments. She pulled Lindsay away from her nipple with a 'plop' before saying, "I want to see what Lindsay looks like naked."

    "No! Please! No!" Jeanie begged, crying profusely, "I'll do anything. Please not that!"

    But Sheree didn't seem to notice as she reached behind the sobbing girl, pulling the zipper slowly down her back.

    "Do you have any underwear on?" Sheree asked her.

    "Yes," she sobbed, "But not a bra."

    "You don't need a bra," Sheree pointed out with a smirk as the zipper was pulled all the way down. Standing behind her, Sheree angled Lindsay so that her mother and the crowd could all see. Once the zipper was down, the top of the dress immediately fell forward, but was quickly caught and held in place by Lindsay.

    Sheree pushed the shoulder straps forward, forcing her hands out of the way, causing the dress to fall in a pool at her feet, leaving her in white panties and high heels. She was then told to kick her heels off as she stepped out of her dress.

    Peering over the girl's shoulder, Sheree immediately pulled the front waistband of her panties outward and looked down her front. At the same moment, her other hand snaked around from the other side, sliding down over her hairless pussy.

    "Your pussy is so small and completely hairless," Sheree commented as she pressed her palm against her opening, causing Lindsay to flinch. The suddeness of being touched 'down there' was eclipsed by the suddeness of her panties being ripped down her legs and to the floor, leaving her completely naked.

    "Your nipples are just beginning to bud," Sheree commented as she tweaked them both. She then turned the girl so that the crowd could see her ass. She palmed it as she said, "And I was right about your ass, it's going to be nice and firm like your mother's."

    She was told to step out of her panties as Sheree said, "I want you to look around the room and pick out one guy that you think is the very best looking guy in the room—you can't choose from those that are already up front, though."

    Without hestitation, her tear stained eyes immediately fell on me. I was sitting on the third row on the aisle.

    "Him," she said pointing to me.

    "Stand up and move down front. Who are you?" Sheree called out, "And why are you here?

    I did as told answering as I did, "I'm Joe Smith, the next door neighbor of the bride and her family."

    "I see," Sheree replied looking me up and down. I was wearing a white button down shirt and khaki pants. As soon as I got even with the front row, she said, "Although she didn't know it, Lindsay has chosen you to fuck her mother and brother, and finger her pussy and asshole in a few minutes—since her pussy isn't ready for a cock. So strip immediately and sit on the front row."

    No one thought to wonder why I complied so quickly. As my boxers hit the floor, Sheree gasped, "That's a very nice cock, Mr. Smith."

    "Thanks," I smiled shrugging.

    "Turn so everyone can see that thing," Sheree demanded breathlessly.

    "If any man in this room believes his cock is bigger than Mr. Smith, stand up and strip now," she ordered.

    At eight inches long and five and a half inches around, from reading everyone's minds, I knew my cock was the largest in the room—although one guy gave me a run for the money, but his wasn't nearly as thick. He kept quiet.

    "Fine," Sheree replied after a moment of complete silence as everyone looked around to see if anyone was going to strip, "Since Mr. Smith has the largest cock, he will benefit greatly in a few minutes. Lindsay sit on his lap. I'll get back to you two in a little while."

    She turned back to the women who were still eating their partner's assholes and said, "You all now have thirty seconds remaining to do the best jobs you possibly can."

    Sheree called time a few moments later and said, "You guys can turn back to face the women. You guys that are standing can take your place behind those that are kneeling. I want Jeanie, Sheryl, and Carlie to take your places behind Sarah, Joy, and Julie."

    She held a jar of KY Jelly out to Jeanie as she was taking her position. Jeanine looked at it quizzically at first before figuring out what it was for. Without a word, Jeanie scooped a little of it onto her fingers and immediatetly pressed them against Sarah's asshole. The sudden, unexpected pressure on her backdoor, coupled with the cold jel, caused her to quickly pull away.

    "I can assure you, Sarah," Sheree immediately commented, "You want Jeanie to put that in your ass."

    Sarah moved back into position, allowing Jeanie to apply the jel to her asshole. Sheryl did the same to Joy and Carlie to Julie.

    "If you haven't figured out what's about to happen," Sheree began after everyone was properly lubed, "You will in a moment. Again, if you are the first person to get off, you will be punished. Consequently, if your partner is the last to get off—including the two categories of first male and first female—you will be punished. So you better give it all you got."

    She paused before moving next to Ben, Rob, Jeanie, and Sarah, "Just so you'll all know, when Renee decided that groomsmen one through three were going to be 'up, ' that meant they would fuck groomsmen four through six. But, consequently, the partners for groomsmen one through three would get fucked by the partners of four through six. That's why you are all split up as you are."

    She paused to let everyone comprehend all of that before continuing, "So, Ben, you will be the first to go. Put your cock in Rob's asshole and fuck him until one of you cums. Remember, anything you do or do not do could come back to haunt you later, since the roles will soon be reversed. So, if you give him a reach around to get him off quicker, he may do the same for you—which could be the difference between a punishment and no punishment."

    Again she paused before continuing, "Those of you taking it up the ass can ask for assistance from me or one of my assistants one time and for only forty-five seconds. But again, the same can be done to you later."

    "Guys, you go first," she ordered as she stepped back to watch, "Jeanie, Sheryl, and Carlie, watch as another man's cock penetrates your son's, or husband's if you're Carlie, assholes."

    Jason was the first one to cry out in pain, begging Adam to slow down. Rob and Scotty weren't far behind, both crying out in pain.

    "I love the sound of men losing their cherries!" Sheree laughed wickedly, "It's wonderful, especially with their mothers, wives, or girlfriends watching!"

    After a few minutes, allowing them to build up a decent pace, she turned to the women and said, "Your turn."

    Sheryl was the first to press her strap-on against Joy's puckered opening, drawing an immediately cry from her.

    "Remember, you ladies have been watching your son's or husband get their asses fucked for several minutes. They didn't slow down when asked, they simply kept fucking away. It's your turn to return the favor to their loved ones," Sheree pointed out.

    Sheryl slammed the strap-on deeply into Joy's well-lubed asshole, drawing a scream. She quickly realized this was the first time she had complete power over someone else, instead of she being on her hands and knees, taking it up the ass. A jolt shot through her lower stomach and pussy at this realization. As she looked across at her son, she again saw the resemblence to his father and briefly realized she was enjoying his pain and was turned on by his being dominated in such a way. She knew first hand what it felt to have a cock shoved roughly up her ass. She knew exactly what was going through his mind. It was getting too be too much for her to handle. The feeling of the dildo in her pussy along with all the thoughts going through her mind were quickly pushing her towards an edge she could not yet afford to go over. Her mind screamed at her to think about something else, or at least look in another direction. But the sight in front of her was too much from which to turn away. She increased her pace, slamming the dildo into Joy ass, causing her to scream out even more, begging her to slow down.

    Jeanie, having watched her son being fucked steadily for several minutes, pushed firmly against Sarah's ass, sinking the dildo into her buttery depths. She had no idea why the sight of her son's face contorted in pain, as she watched Ben's cock steadily disappear and reappear behind him, was turning her on so much. But it was, and the harder she fucked the strap-on into Sarah's ass, the harder the dildo inside of her cunt slammed her back. The sights, sounds, feelings, and the overall situation were beginning to overwhelm her. She soon realized she was beginning to lose control.

    Conversly, Carlie was as horny as she could ever remember. It was spurred by her anger at her husband and his current predicament. Hearing him cry, screaming out as Adam increased his steady pace, forced her to ease her own rhythm of slamming the strap-on into Julie's upturned ass. She could feel herself getting close to the edge, the dildo in her own pussy lighting a fire she never knew existed. She knew she didn't want to be the first to get off, but watching her husband take it in the ass only a few minutes after passing up the opportunity to get them out of this, was sweet revenge for Carlie which was the driving force behind her slowly losing control.

    Noticing that Sheryl seemed to be very close to cumming, Sheree got something else out of her black bag, before kneeling beside her to ask, "Sheryl, you're fighting it aren't you?"

    Sheryl glanced at Sheree, but said nothing. Her breathing was rapid as she steadily softly moaned. She was firmly holding Joy's hips, using them for leverage as she slammed the dildo into her ass.

    Joy was crying profusely as Sheryl slammed into her, seemingly oblivious to her cries.

    "Joy," Sheree called out loudly enough to be heard over her cries, "Do you want any assistance? Remember you can ask for forty-five seconds of help. I don't think it'll take that long for her to get off. Once she gets off, she will have to stop."

    "Yes, please!" she cried out miserably, "It hurts so badly!"

    "Of course it is," Sheree replied before addressing everyone, "All three of these women are simply slamming into you all. It looks like their end of the dildo has started making them feel so good, they stopped caring about making you comfortable. Remember that in a few minutes."

    She was doing her best to piss everyone off at each other.

    She paused as she turned to Sheryl and said, "I know you are very close to cumming—not only are you beginning to sweat, your shaking. It's been a year and a half since you've cum, according to you. Having something in your pussy, pounding away is too much for you to handle after all this time. And you're watching your son get his ass packed. You know exactly how that feels don't you? You know what his pain feels like don't you? Yet, you are about to get off on it."

    Sheree paused giving Sheryl enough time to plead, "Please, don't make me get off. I can't be the first one."

    Sheree thought about her request for a moment before saying, "I did help her out by reminding her she could ask for assistance, didn't I?"

    "Yes ma'am," Sheryl replied breathlessly.

    "In that case, I'll give you the opportunity to stop me," Sheree said as she place her palm just above the crack of Sheryl's ass, ever so slowly running her pointer finger down into her ass cleavage, "You know where my finger is about to go don't you?"

    "Please don't!" Sheryl pleaded.

    Sheree eased her finger slowly down her crack, "All it would take is me pressing my finger against your rectum and you wouldn't be able to control yourself, would you?"

    "No ma'am," she whispered.
  7. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Sheree stopped moving her finger just before it plunged into the soft opening, "I'll let you have that cum you need so badly, without being punishment for being the first one, if you will agree to a payment of sorts. If you agree to this payment, I will let you cum for the rest of our time here without penalty and without permission. You can cum at will."

    Sheree lightly rubbed her finger across Sheryl's tailbone, just above her backdoor opening as the woman seemed to think about the offer.

    "Michael, turn Scotty to the side so his mother can see your cock going in and out of his asshole," Sheree ordered, "I want her to see his man pussy getting fucked."

    "Oh God!" Sheryl moaned as they turned. She could clearly see her son's rectum being pulled outward with Michael's cock as he pulled back, before thrusting back inward, his hips 'slapping' the backs of her son's buttocks.

    "Joy," Sheree called out, turning her attention briefly to the sobbing woman, reaching under her to grasp one of her large, swinging tits, "Watch your fifteen year old son dominate the twenty-one year old, making him moan like a little bitch."

    Joy felt her pussy quiver as Sheree pointed out her son's age and what it was he was doing. But the pain in her own butt made sure she wasn't paying too much attention.

    Sheree turned back to Sheryl and asked, "Will you agree to the payment?"

    "What is it?" Sheryl asked breathlessly.

    "It has two-parts," Sheree clarified, "I'll tell you part of it but not the other. I'll have Scotty call his father to come up here. We'll strip him down and let you fuck him in the ass with this dildo," Sheree grabbed her bag, taking out a black, twelve-inch dildo that was seven inches around, "It's up to you whether you use lube. If you so desire, after you finish with him, we can make every guy in this room run a train on him. Also, as I said a moment again, you can get-off as many times as you want without penalty and without permission."

    Sheryl didn't immediately reply, but the prospect of fucking her ex-husband with the huge dildo almost caused her to lose control.

    "If someone gets off before you decide, Sheryl," Sheree warned, "The deal is off."

    At that moment, Carlie began crying out, pulling at her huge, drooping tits, "I'm about to cum!!! Oh, my god!!!"

    She was moaning loudly, announcing to everyone that she was about to completely lose control.

    Sheryl looked from Carlie to Sheree nervously and immediately said, "Okay, I agree."

    "Don't cum yet," Sheree said quickly, pulling her finger away from Sheryl's asshole. Sheryl looked at her confused, believing that she could now get off without any more delays.

    Sheree handed her a cell phone and said, "Now, for part-two of the deal. Call your daughter and tell her to meet you here as soon as she can."

    "No! Not that!" Sheryl cried out immediately, but was drowned out by Carlie's scream.

    Carlie screamed out her orgasm at the tops of her lungs, the first to do so. She slammed the dildo into Julie's ass, causing her to tearfully pled for her to slow down. Adam, with his eyes locked on Julie (his girlfriend), seemed to immediately lose control at the sound of her cries. He watched her small C cup tits violently sway side-to-side by the force of the huge woman's thrusts, her hair being brutally tossed out of sorts, her tears causing her makeup to run, giving her "raccoon" eyes, as he viciously grasped Jason's hips, thrusting his cock as quickly and as deeply as he could into his super tight asshole. He had managed to control himself for a while, however, watching his girlfriend getting tagged in the manner in which she was unlocking some deep down, dark desires that he never knew existed. Watching Julie cry out in pain, being brutally ass raped by a fat woman pushed him over the edge.

    "Pump his ass full of your hot spunk, Adam," Sheree called out, noticing his predicament almost as soon as he began to cum, "Jason's cock is at full attention. He's loving it!"

    "Fuck him hard!" Carlie cried out as she continued pounding Julie's ass, "Make him cry like a little bitch!"

    Carlie couldn't believe she was acting the way she was nor could she believe she was getting off on watching her husband being brutally raped. Although she was horrified, it was the longest, most intense orgasm she had ever had. After a few moments, everything went black.

    Julie managed to get out of the way just as Carlie collapsed to the floor. Still lying on the floor, she laid her head in one arm, sobbing, as she reached back to rub her ass with the other. Although unconscious, Carlie's huge body seemed to heave with each breath she took. She was wet from persperation and her entire body was red from exercion.

    As Adam was pumping his asshole full, Jason came himself although he barely made a sound. Without anyone touching his cock, Jason felt his balls empty onto the carpet. He was as embarrassed as he had ever been in his life. His only solice was his wife was passed out and didn't see it.

    Sheree finally turned back to Sheryl, who she had completely ignored during all the action and said, "I don't believe I heard you correctly. You did say you were going to call your daughter, right?"

    At that moment, Sheree looked in the direction of Scotty and observed, "Scotty, we all just watched Jason shoot his load onto the floor from a good ass rimming. Are you going to be next?"

    She immediately looked at Rob and Ben and said, "Rob isn't far behind you. His cock is fully extended too. It's a race to see who gets off last. None of you want to be the last to get your partner off. That goes for both Jeanie and you, Sheryl. We made a deal on you getting off, Sheryl, NOT on you getting your partner off. If you're partner is last to cum, you will receive a punishment for that."

    As she said this, Sarah moaned out her orgasm. As she did, Rob couldn't control himself with someone so beautiful cumming within only a few feet of him. Noticing that Rob was cumming with her, Sarah's moans seemed to increase as she collapsed to the floor, held up only by Jeanie who was still holding her hips up.

    Seeing his girlfriend orgasm, as he felt Rob's sphincter contracting as he came, began pumping his load into Rob. As he did, he locked eyes with Jeanie, Rob's mother, who was continously pumping the fake phallus into his own girlfriend's asshole. As they stared at each other, he increased his rimming of her son, the sounds of the front of his hips slapping the backs of his ass increasing. This in turn drove Jeanie over the edge. She couldn't believe she was coming to the sounds of her own son being anally raped. But she was, she thought to herself, and she was loving it!

    "Let's see," Sheree began, "On the guy's side, it looks like it's going to come down to Michael and Scotty. Which of you is going to come first and be punished? Which of you is going to cum last and be rewarded for your stamina? And out of the women, we have Julie, Sheryl, and Joy still in battling it out."

    She then motioned to the cell phone Sheryl was still holding and said, "Call your daughter right now. Put it on speakerphone."

    Sheryl wanted to say 'no' again, but knew she dodged a bullet when she said it the first time, which Sheree apparently hadn't heard.

    As she dialed the phone, she was shocked to discover that the intense feelings between her legs were as heightened as they had ever been before. She had no idea why she was so horny nor why she wasn't yet cumming because of it. From my front row seat, as she listened to the phone ring, I made sure her arousal levels were far above anything she had ever experienced. I also made sure she believed it was because of her internal struggle between her horror of involving her daughter and her overwhelming desire to see her treated the same way everyone else in the room was being treated.

    Everyone in the church could hear the phone ringing and a voice say, "Hello?"

    "Jenny," Sheryl said huskily as her eyes again drifted to the scene in front of her. Michael was just pulling his cock outward, bringing Scotty's sphincter with it as she spoke. At that instant, she watched his cock begin shooting stream after stream of his white spunk onto the floor, as Michael jacked him off. It was at that moment, that Sheryl felt Sheree's fingers slide back down the crack of her ass, only this time they didn't stop before getting to her asshole. She paniced briefly as Sheree pushed the tip of her pointer finger against her sphincter, immediately causing her to cry out. Although Sheryl managed to stop her cry as she went over the edge with a mind-numbing orgasm, her daughter had heard the weird sound (or what was weird to someone that didn't know what was going on), alarming her.

    "Mom are you okay?" Jenny asked immediately concerned.

    "Yes, hunny," Sheryl seemed to breathe out, more so than actually speaking it.

    "Are you still at the wedding?" she asked.

    "Yes," Sheryl managed to say as she slumped forward onto Joy's back, causing Joy to completely collapse to the floor causing Sheryl to lie on Joy's prone body. Joy, like Julie had, sobbed as she reached back attempting to hold her sore ass. After briefly dropping the phone, Sheryl asked, "Can you come to the church? I need help with something."

    "I am on the way. Are you sure you're okay? Do you need an ambulance?" Jenny asked still concerned.

    "I'm fine," Sheryl replied finally beginning to calm down.

    "I'll be there in twenty minutes," Jenny replied as they hung up.

    Sheryl gave the phone to Scotty and told him to call his father. He did without question and was told he would be at the church within the hour.

    When he was off the phone, Sheree said, "Since Michael hasn't cum yet, and of course all the other guys have, he is the last of the guys to cum (or at least he will be). He will be rewarded for his stamina. A fifteen year old outlasted all you twenty-somethings! But, on the flip side, Scotty was the last guy to get his partner off, so he'll be punished. But because Joy and Julie have yet to get off, one of them can still take the overall reward.

    By this time Carlie had awakened and had been quietly watching what was going on. Sheree looked at her and Sheryl and said, "You two are now competing against each other. The first one to get their partner off is safe from the overall punishment, but you can't use your dildos, by the way.

    She helped Sheryl sit up, before helping Joy turn over on her back. She then told Julie to roll onto her back, which she did immediately.

    "Carlie and Sheryl," Sheree began as she sat down behind Joy, allowing her to lean back against her naked chest. She told Latoya to strip, motioning her to sit behind Julie once she had. Latoya was a relatively large woman, much larger than Julie's small frame. Her tits, although slightly smaller than Sheree's, made Julie's C cups look tiny. Although she didn't particularly want to, once Julie leaned back against Latoya, she was almost completely covered. She looked like a little girl sitting with her mother, only in this case the girl was white and the mother was black.

    Following Sheree's lead, Latoya cupped both of Julie's tits, squeezing them lightly as she kissed her neck and ears. Soon, as Carlie was pushing Julie's legs apart and lying on her stomach so she could get low enough to eat her out, Latoya moved one hand down Julie's naked stomach to her clit, quickly eliciting a positive response out of the girl who just minutes before had been sobbing in pain.

    As this was going on, Sheree cupped both of Joy's much larger tits and said, "I love squeezing tits that are almost the size of mine, but don't quite make the cut. You are about a half-cup size smaller than me. Kimberly, your daughter, looks to have the same cup size but mine stand up a little higher and are slightly firmer, giving me the edge. And although she still has her clothes on, your other daughter Dana isn't even in the discussion," Sheree paused as she sensously rubbed Joy's large tits. Joy, without realizing it, laid her head back on Sheree's shoulder, closing her eyes, as for the first time since Sheryl began fucking her, began enjoying the feelings that were coursing through her. Before she realized it, Sheree moved one hand down to her clit, as Sheryl's mouth found her slit.

    Everyone was silent for several moments until Joy began showing signs of her growing desire. Sheree continued, speaking as she kissed her cheeks, neck, and tops of her shoulders, "In a few minutes, I am going to call young Michael over here. He's going to watch his mother have passionate sex with a black woman. He's going to listen to his mother beg to cum and he's going to hear her offer her daughters in return. Then, he's going to watch his own mother do anything asked of her, no matter who asks it or what is asked, so she can have sex with her own son."

    As she said this, Sheryl increased her tongue thrashing of Joy's slit while Sheree increased the pressure on her clit.

    While this was going on, Julie seemed to be in another world. Her head was lying between Latoya's tits, with her eyes closed as Carlie furiously licked her quim.

    Both of women were now humping against the mouth's at their nests. But it was Julie who softly moaned out first. Her entire body tensed up, as though she were having a seizure. Her breathing seemed to stop completely, saying nothing for several moments until she opened her eyes, looked up at Latoya and weakily announced, "I'm cumming!"

    "I know you are hunny," Latoya replied smiling.

    Just a moment later, Joy was moaning out her own orgasm as Sheree furiously pinched her nipples and clit, spurring it on.

    "You were the last one Joy," Sheree told her after she'd calmed down. She looked up at Sheryl and said, "You're partner was the last to cum out of everybody. You'll be punished for that in a little while. You should have tried harder."
  8. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Sheree had just enough time to stand up when the back doors of the church opened. I immediately 'sensed' it was Jenny, but she wasn't alone. Behind her as I found out through my quick inventory of her mind, was her boyfriend Frank. He was about 6'0, 200lbs with sandy blonde hair, and average build. I quickly got an 'inventory' of his thoughts as well, finding out quite a lot of very interesting things.

    I blocked their immediate ability to process what was going on until they made their way to the front of the church. At that point, the 'fog' I had them in gradually lifted until they both realized that quite a few people were completely naked. Then, slowly, the idea that something was wrong crossed their minds. But they never once thought to try to run—I made sure of that.

    As Sheree stepped forward to 'greet' them, I 'helped' her formulate how she was going to approach them. With the information I had gleaned from their minds' inventories, it was simply too easy!

    "You must be Jenny," a completely naked Sheree said standing in front of them as they reached the front of the church. She looked at Frank and asked, "You must be the boyfriend."

    "Yeah," he replied, "I'm Frank."

    "Why is everyone naked?" Jenny finally asked completely confused.

    "Because I told them to strip," Sheree replied, "And they did. You look almost identical to your mother, only younger of course. There are several mother and daughters in this room, but none of the daughter's look like an actual younger version," Sheree paused a moment as she looked her up-and-down before continuing, "You are just like her: slightly overweight in all the wrong places, too small in the right places. How old are you?"

    "Mom?" Jenny asked, "What's going on?"

    "Answer me!" Sheree immediately snapped.

    "Twenty-three," Jenny replied.

    "Speaking of 'mom, '" Sheree began again, cutting off any reply Sheryl may have had to her daughter's panicked question, "Mom's in line for a punishment. I think it would be a good time for her to get it out of the way."

    She paused a moment to pull a six inch wide, black leather belt from her bag. Sheree told Shunetta, her other black assistant, to strip before saying, "Sheryl, lie down on your back with your legs spread open as far as they'll go and as far back as they'll go. Shunetta is going to help you hold them."

    "Mom, what's going on? This is insane," Jenny, now very frightened, asked as her voice quivered. She then looked at her half-brother, Scotty, and asked, "Scotty, what is going on? Why are you naked?"

    "Frank, how long have you and Jenny been dating?" Sheree asked as she approached Sheryl who was just lying down. Shunetta, now naked, straddled Sheryl's head facing her feet, helping pull her legs back until her knees were even with her breasts. Sheryl's pussy and ass were completely opened to everyone's gaze, including Frank who hadn't taken his eyes off her since he realized she was naked.

    "About four years," he replied hoarsely.

    "Have you ever wanted to see your prospective mother-in-law naked?" she asked, smiling devilishly as she looked at him, already knowing the answer, but realizing he was in a no win situation with regards to his answer.

    Jenny whirled around to look at him after a few moments passed without an answer. He looked at her briefly before looking back at Sheryl's completely naked body. He felt a strong stirring in his jeans, but fought to keep it in check.

    "Ah," he stammered. Frank's mind was in system overload as it tried to figure out an answer that wouldn't piss Jenny off, but at the same time wouldn't hurt Sheryl's feelings. While thinking about his answer, he watched with full attention as Shunetta lower her pussy to Sheryl's mouth and nose.

    Sheree stepped between Sheryl's spread legs, silently looking down at her completely displayed cunt and asshole, looked back to him to say, "Answer me Frank, or Jenny's going to get this done to her too."

    Since Shunetta was literally sitting on her face blocking her view, Sheryl never saw Sheree lifting the black leather belt, nor did she see her swinging it downward towards her completely open, and totally unprotected cunt.

    The searing pain of the belt striking her entire outer labia area registered only a split second before she comprehended the slap sound. Sheryl immediately screamed into Shunetta's pussy, which was being ground against her nose and mouth.

    A combination of watching the white woman being whipped, and the vibrations of her scream against her already overly aroused pussy, caused Shunetta to immediately cum, shooting several streams of her juices across Sheryl's face.

    Without giving her time to recover, Sheree quickly struck again. This time Sheryl's surprised cries turned into sobs of anguish. She tried to drop her legs to protect herself but Shunetta was too strong, holding them open and back firmly. She continued to sit on her face, keeping her from moving her upper body as well.

    A third lick, again across her now very red labia, drew the same response. Sheree then motioned for Shunetta to move. As she did, Sheree took her place straddling Sheryl's face, only she was standing over her.

    "Hold your legs back, Sheryl," Sheree told the still sobbing woman. Her face was red from crying and wet from tears and cum streaks. She did as she was told, pulling her legs back as far as she could, which pointed her ass upwards, and opening her ass cleavage, exposing her asshole, "Look up at me."

    Sheryl looked upwards; greeted by the sight of Sheree's dripping cunt lips and ass directly above her. She briefly noted the striking contrast of her pink lips surrounded by her chocolate skin. She had never seen a naked black woman, much less her cunt.

    She was jolted out of her brief moment of mezmerizaiton as the leather belt landed angrily between her opened ass cheeks, directly against her exposed asshole. She dropped her legs as she screamed out in pain, both hands reaching down to hold her ass as though that would make the pain go away.

    "Hold your legs open, Sheryl, and hold them until I tell you otherwise," Sheree immediately ordered, as she watched the woman wither in pain, "If you don't hold them open immediately, Jenny is going to be next."

    Sheryl, still sobbing, again pulled her legs back until her knees were even with her tits. Almost as soon as she pulled them back, Sheree struck again, this time the belt landed mostly across her vaginal opening, although it kissed the very bottom of her asshole too.

    Although she almost dropped them again, Sheryl managed to keep her legs back as ordered. Sheree, after a moment to see if she was going to drop them, stepped away from the sobbing woman to stand in front of a now terrified Jenny.

    She never took her eyes off Jenny as she addressed her boyfriend, "Frank, I am going to give you an opportunity of a lifetime. I am going to let you eat out your girlfriend's mother, making sure to lick everywhere the belt hit. Shunetta is going to make sure you do it right. Would you like to eat her out Frank?"

    Frank felt like he was all of a sudden possessed. It was as though he could think of nothing else in the world that he would rather do than eat Sheryl out (of course he didn't know he was having a little 'help' thinking that way). But the fact was he had indeed fantasized about fucking her many, many times. All I had to do was increase those desires by just a little to get the overwhelming response he was now showing.

    "Frank!" Jenny shouted angrily after he didn't immediately respond. She saw the look on his face and knew what he was thinking, "You can't possibly..."

    "Hush Jenny," Sheree snapped, "I didn't tell you to speak."

    Frank looked from Sheryl, who was in the fetal position crying, before looking back to Sheree. He then said, "Yes, I would like that."

    "Frank!" Jenny yelled again but almost immediately was silenced by a slap to her left cheek. She immediately teared up as she held her now red cheek.

    "I told you to be quiet," Sheree angrily reminded her, pointing her finger in her face. She then turned her attention back to Frank and said, "After you eat her out, Frank, I may even let you fuck her. Do you want to fuck her too?"

    "Hell yes!" he immediately replied. There was no hesitation this time. Jenny glared angrily at him, but said nothing as she continued rubbing her stinging face.

    "Then you're going to have to earn it," Sheree replied, "Take off your clothes. Then, put your cock and balls in the palm of my hand."

    She said this as she held her hand out at waist level, "I'll hold my hand out when you're ready."

    Jenny almost said something, as she angrily watched her boyfriend begin to strip, but caught herself remembering what happened the last time she opened her mouth. She then felt Sheree step up behind her and looked down just in time to she Sheree's hands just before they cupped both of her blouse-covered tits.

    "What's your cup size?" she asked as she sensously massaged Jenny's breasts.

    "Please, don't," Jenny tearfully replied, though she was trying her best to fight back the tears, "Please stop."

    "I asked you a question," Sheree immediately replied, unmoved by the girl's emotions. They both watched as Frank dropped his shirt on the floor and began unbuckling his belt, "I expect an answer right now, or this is going to get a whole lot worse for you really quickly."

    "Okay!" Jenny replied. She watched as her boyfriend pushed his jeans and boxers down his legs, his cock bouncing back and forth as it popped free of his boxer's waistband. She seemed shocked to see him so turned on. She finally said, "B cups."

    "Your mother has B cups, but her's seem a little larger than your's, although yours are firmer," Sheree spoke as she seemed to weigh her still covered breasts, "Do your nipples turn upwards?"

    Jenny didn't immediately speak as she watched Frank step out of his jeans and boxers, leaving him completely naked, "Yes."

    Jenny watched as Sheree extended her outstretched hand to her boyfriend, who almost immediately stepped up to it, sliding his hips forward, putting both his cock and balls in the palm of her hand. Sheree spoke as he did, "I like that pink blouse you have on, Jenny. Even though it's a V-neck, you don't have any cleavage to show off but the buttons on your shirt cause your shirt to perfectly mold to both of your tits."

    She quickly closed her hand around her boyfriend's cock as she spoke, although she held him lightly enough so as not to cause discomfort.

    "Now, Frank," Sheree began smiling. Jenny watched as Sheree briefly gave him a handjob before saying, "Just a few more things before you can eat Sheryl out."

    He nodded but said nothing.

    "In the four years you and Jenny have been together," Sheree began, "How many times have you fucked her?"

    He looked at Sheree like she'd just asked the dumbest question in the world. Jenny started to speak, but Sheree hushed her. She also told Sheryl to pay attention, causing the still crying woman to sit up.

    "I have no idea," he replied, "Hundreds of times."

    "So you've been knocking the back out of her for a while," Sheree laughed. For what seemed like the thousandth time since they'd gotten to the church, Jenny was once again overwhelmed with embarrassment."

    "Definitely," Frank replied seemingly unconcerned for his girlfriend's reputation.

    "How does she like it best? Missionary? Doggy? Or some other way?" Sheree continued the questioning, embarrassing Jenny more-and-more by the moment.

    To Jenny's horror, Frank didn't seem to care. He replied, "She likes it doggy style, but we usually just do it missionary. Sometimes, she gets in the saddle, though, and seems to like that a lot too."

    "Frank!" Jenny again protested angrily. But that's all she got out before being cut off.

    "I was going to wait to do this, but since you refuse to do what I tell you," Sheree said angrily turning her attention to Jenny, "Take your shirt and bra off. Do it now!"

    To this point, Jenny had been doing a fair job of fighting back the tears, only allowing her eyes to moisten a few times. But with this demand, the waterworks immediately began. She pleaded, "Please, not that! I'll stay quiet from now on."

    "I know you will," Sheree replied, "Now take it off before I rip it off!"
  9. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Jenny looked at Sheree for a moment simply shocked by what she was being told to do. But after a moment of slack-jawed silence, Jenny's raised her shaking hands to the top button on her pink blouse, slowly unbuttoning it before moving to the next one.

    As the last button was taken loose, Jenny held the blouse closed briefly before allowing it to fall open, revealing a white, full-cupped, lacy bra. Sheree pushed her hands to her sides, simply allowing the shirt to hang open. She then rubbed Jenny's upper chest, neck, and shoulders, moving the blouse and bra straps out of the way as she did.

    "I just love rubbing white women," Sheree told her, "Especially when they don't want me too."

    Her hand then travel down between Jenny's breasts, down to her stomach. Sheree rubbed her stomach a moment before saying, "You have no muscle tone in your stomach. You have just a little extra padding. But I don't mind."

    Sheree nodded for her to continue undressing. Jenny slid the blouse off her arms, dropping it on the floor on top of Frank's discarded clothes. She then hesitated before reaching back to unclasp her bra, slowly pulling the cups forward and off, leaving her naked from the waist up.

    "Definitely much more firm than your mother's," Sheree commented as she immediately cupped both of Jenny's now naked tits, "But they are a little smaller, although your nipples are turned upwards nicely and are very pink. But they get lost on you. Your arms are a little heavier than they should be, and I've already talked about your stomach. Not only that, you're a little taller than an average woman, again like your mom. But to your credit, judging by how they look through those tight jeans you have on, your ass and thighs look like a sista's-- not quite a ghetto ass, but close."

    She released Frank's cock and balls, wrapping both of her arms around Jenny, forcing the girl to kiss her. The move caught her by surprise, momentarily causing her to turn away. Sheree grabbed her under the chin, turning her face back towards her, but again Jenny refused to kiss her.

    "Why do you have to do everything the hard way?" Sheree asked her. She slid her hands down to the front of Jenny's jeans, unbuttoning and unzipping them, "Kiss me and I won't push them down."

    This time Jenny opened her mouth to allow Sheree's tongue inside. They kissed for several moments before Sheree stepped back, put her hands under her own tits, lifting them and said, "You've been looking at my tits since you got here. Here's your opportunity to suck them."

    Jenny didn't know what to say. Although she had stolen a few glances at Sheree's huge tits, Jenny tried to remember when she had gotten caught doing it! She couldn't! Her immediate, embarrassed reply was, "I have not been looking at your breasts!"

    "Okay, whatever you say," Sheree replied, "But you're still going to suck them."

    Sheree grabbed her by the back of the head, pulling her face to her left nipple, forcing it into her mouth.

    "That's right, baby," Sheree encouraged, "Suck that fat nipple."

    Everyone watched, and listened, as Sheree held Jenny's head against her chest. The sucking and slurping could be heard all over the building.

    "Switch sides," Sheree ordered her after a few minutes. Jenny immediately moved from her left nipple to the right. After a few moments of this, Sheree said, "Now, lick both of my breasts—all of them. Hold them up and lick under them, on top, on the sides ... everywhere. Don't miss a spot."

    She didn't. For the next few minutes, Jenny bathed Sheree's huge, DD tits with her tongue.

    After five minutes or so, Sheree pushed her away and once again took hold of Frank's cock and balls.

    "Now, where were we?" she asked before remembering, "I remember. We've already talked about how many times you've fucked and which position she likes, what about this," Sheree asked slapping Jenny on her jean covered ass, "Have you fucked her asshole too?"

    "Just twice," he replied.

    "Twice? In four years?" Sheree asked laughing, "Why only twice? Did you not like it or what?"

    Jenny looked at him with fire in her eyes but said nothing, concerned about the consequences if she did.

    Frank thought about the question for a moment. With my 'encouragement, ' he replied, "Hell yeah I liked it."

    He paused just long enough to look from Sheree, to Jenny, to Sheryl (who was now actively watching/ listening), before looking back at Jenny sheepishly. He couldn't figure out why he had such an overwhelming desire to answer the question thoroughly. Finally, though, he replied, "Well, she owed me."

    "Owed you?" Sheree asked.

    "Frank! Don't you dare!" Jenny suddenly snapped. She couldn't believe he had said that! She was shaking with anger and growing embarrassment and shame.

    Those feelings, however, were momentarily forgotten as she suddenly felt her jeans and panties being jerked down her legs.

    "Step out of them!" Sheree ordered angrily, "You are going to learn to keep your mouth shut!"

    "I'm sorry," Jenny replied nervously, "I didn't ... please don't..."

    "Shut your fucking mouth, bitch!" Sheree demanded angrily, "You are already in a world of shit. I guarantee you don't want to add to it."

    Jenny slowly stepped out of her jeans and panties, leaving her completely naked.

    "That ass of yours flares nicely," Sheree observed, immediately looking her up-and-down as she had done some of the other women. Her voice was suddenly calm, as though she had not just been pissed off, "It's just like your mother's. It's relatively flat but flares nicely. Your thighs are larger than optimal, although they aren't bad at all."

    Jenny flinched as Sheree reached down to palm her left ass cheek before moving her hand down to her left thigh. Sheree continued, "You are shaven too, nice. You have no tone in either of your thighs nor your ass, and your calves are very large, which is identical to your mother."

    Sheree again paused before the anger began creeping back into her voice, "So, would you like the same punishment your mother was getting when you walked in, or do you want another?"

    "Why do I need to be punished?" Jenny asked now frightened, remembering her mother's screams as her pussy and asshole were struck by the vicious looking black, leather belt.

    "You have five seconds to answer my question. Otherwise, you'll get the spanking she got in addition to whatever else I can dream up," Sheree replied, putting her nose within inches of Jenny's as she spoke.

    "There's no way I can handle what happened to her," Jenny replied, seemingly thinking outloud.

    "Fine," Sheree quickly replied, "That means you choose something else."

    She quickly motioned to Beverly, Tina, and Shunetta to move a table over to where they were standing, so everyone could see.

    "Lie down on the table," Sheree ordered her. With terror registering on her face, Jenny did as she was told, nervously folding her hands over her stomach, with her knees up, "Legs flat on the table."

    She watched in muted horror as black, leather wrist cuffs were strapped to each of her wrists. Then black, leather ankle cuffs were applied to her ankles. Next, a black leather strap was run from one wrist under the table to the other wrist and it was tied off to each leg of the table. The same thing was done to her ankles. The angle in which the straps were tied pulled her legs open slightly, displaying her mound and exposing her cunt. Another leather strap was run around her thighs and stomach, completely immobilizing her.

    "What are you going to do to me?" Jenny asked with tears in her eyes, her voice quivering. Her mouth dropped open in shock as she watched a blindfold being placed over her eyes, completely blacking her out.

    "Don't speak anymore, Jenny," Sheree told her, as she adjusted the strap on the back of the blindfold, "I'm going to add five licks to your punishment each time you do."

    With her arms strapped tightly to the table, Jenny's B cup tits were almost non-existant, only her nipples stood prominently on her chest. The half-eraser sized, pink nipples were as hard as rocks.

    Jenny was as nervous as she'd ever been. Without realizing it, she was so tense that her back was arching off the table.

    With her finger over her mouth to indicate silence, Sheree motioned for Sheryl to come over to the table. Sheryl quickly did as ordered, soon looking down on her daughter's naked body.

    Jenny flinched as she felt two fingers pinching her right nipple. Sheryl instantly knew what Sheree wanted her to do and was instantly repulsed. But she managed to fight back the urge to say 'no.' After a brief hesitation, she leaned forward sucking her daughter's nipple into her mouth.

    "I am sure that blindfold is driving you crazy," Sheree commented after a few moments of watching Sheryl, "You have no idea who is sucking your tit. It could be a woman, but it could be a man. You have no way of knowing. All you can do is lie there and enjoy it."

    Jenny fought the urge to reply. She was horrified that someone was sucking her nipples, yet at the same time she could feel the definitive signs of stirrings between her legs.

    Sheree motioned to Amanda to suck on Jenny's other nipple. Too scared to refuse, Amanda immediately did as she was told.

    "You're arms are pulled so tightly, Jenny," Sheree commented, "That your chest looks like a little boy's, except for your pretty little nipples. I couldn't let them stick up like that without giving them some attention."

    Jenny valiantly fought against the growing feelings between her legs. Having both nipples sucked at the same time was, however, beginning to beat her best efforts. She knew, without a doubt, her pussy was beginning to moisten and knew that her legs were open enough that it would soon be noticable to anyone who was looking.

    Sheree tapped Sheryl on the shoulder, again with her finger over her lips (indicating silence), directing her to the foot of the table. They both momentarily stared at Jenny's pussy. Her outer labia were splayed open, revealing her arousal, and her inner labia, which were also open enough that if they had a flashlight, they could have looked inside her vagina without touching anything.

    "So, you like having your tits sucked," Sheree announced, once again embarrassing the already humiliated girl. Jenny could tell Sheree was at the foot of the table and knew, even without being able to see, that she was looking at her pussy, which made her even more uncomfortable.

    Sheree motioned for Sheryl to lean forward. Again, Sheryl immediately knew what Sheree wanted although this time she was about to protest. But I quickly intervened, even giving her an 'idea' of what exactly to do and the desire to do it.

    Although completely immobilized, Jenny's entire body flinched when she suddenly felt a finger slide into her pussy, as almost simultaneously a tongue began assaulting her clit.

    Almost immediately Sheree motioned for Amanda to back away. Jenny hardly realized that her tits had been abandoned, her mind was now paying full attention to what was going on between her legs.

    Sheryl, on the other hand, couldn't believe how turned on she was from eating out her own daughter! Her pussy seemed to explode when she realized what Sheree wanted her to do. Excitement was not the word for the feelings that suddenly welled-up in her. The scent of her daughter's arousal excited her even more.
  10. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
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    "Oh God!" Jenny moaned after several moments.

    She was completely oblivious to the fact that Sheree was now standing just to her right, smiling wickedly as she brandished a Leather Flogger Whip, with quite a number of very menacing tails dangling from it.

    Sheree waited until Jenny again moaned in pleasure before striking her across the entirety of her chest. The tails reached all the way across her chest, even kissing her side. The leather tails bit furiously into her pale skin and nipples, leaving angry, red welts crisscrossing her chest.

    The slap of the flogger, immediately followed by her daughter's ear-piercing scream, caused Sheryl to jump back in fright.

    After a moment of trying to figure out what had just happened, she quickly figured it out after seeing Sheree holding the whip-looking instrument and the welts across her daughter's chest.

    "I didn't tell you to stop, Sheryl," Sheree immediately told her, "Don't stop until I tell you too."

    "Please don't hit me again!" Jenny cried out immediately, too concerned about the seering pain in her chest to realize that Sheree had just ordered her mother to continue eating her out, "Please!"

    "Your mom got five or six licks," Sheree reminded her, "You choose not to have the same punishment as she—and so you're not. You're getting your tits whipped instead of your ass and pussy. Next time you won't speak when you're told not too."

    "I swear I won't," Jenny screamed, scared to death that the next lick was going to land at any second. She couldn't see anything behind the blindfold.

    "Frank," Sheree said turning to him. His cock was at full attention as he watched the scene in front of him. Sheree asked, "Why did she 'owe' you?"

    "It's a long story," he replied tentatively.

    "Give us the short version, and I'll ask questions if some of it doesn't make sense," she replied. Since she was talking to Frank, Jenny temporarily calmed down, although she continued to sob. The second lick once again took her completely off guard. The tentacles of the whip once again wrecking havoc on her nipples, the fingers of them reaching across the entirety of her chest.

    Again, Jenny screamed but this time her mother's mouth never moved from her cunt. Her finger, incidentally, was manipulating her G-Spot as well. Jenny, although she absolutely could not believe it, realized she was about to cum. I quickly made sure she didn't quite make it there, for the moment.

    "Well, I have a really good buddy who has a hot girlfriend. But she goes to college several hundred miles away," Frank began, having no idea why he 'wanted' to tell the story so badly, "When we were in high school, he dated Jenny but never got to fuck her. We were talking one night, and it somehow came up that he hadn't fucked her. So, I told him he could fuck Jenny as much as he wanted, as long as I got to fuck his girlfriend the same amount of times," he paused to let everyone digest this information. Jenny couldn't believe Frank was telling the story, including her mother and half-brother. Although her tits hurt, and her pussy was ready to burst with the biggest orgasm she'd in sometime, she was also furious at him. She groaned internally as he continued, "So, after I talked Jenny into the arrangement, and she was completely okay with it, I told them both I had only one rule and they both agreed to it too. The rule was that I had to be informed before they decided to fuck, giving me the opportunity, if I wanted, to watch."

    "So you watched them?" Sheree cut in.

    "Many times," he replied before continuing, "But I came back from class one day and they were fucking on my bed. Although I was busy and more than likely would have turned down that opportunity to watch, I didn't even have a missed call on my cell. As it turns out, she was taking a shower. He came in, opened the curtain, and watched her. When she finished, he dried her off, and took her to bed. When I walked in, she admitted later on, it was their third fuck."

    He paused as Sheree brought the flogger down across his girlfriend's tits for the third time. After she stopped screaming, begging her to stop, he continued, "So I threatened to break up with her. She begged me not too and agreed to several things that I had always wanted to do, if I stayed, anal sex being one of them."

    "Did you ever get to fuck your friend's girlfriend?" she asked.

    "Many times," Frank replied, "And so did Jenny, which was enthusiastically arranged by my buddy, in return for keeping their little sex escapades a secret from his girlfriend."

    "You are a slut, Jenny," Sheree said as she turned her attention back to the still sobbing girl, "Would you like to take your last three licks in a different position?"

    "Yes! Please!" she pleaded immediately without even thinking about it.

    Sheree nodded for Beverly and Tina to release her. Sheryl, reluctantly, stepped away from her daughter's soaked pussy, her own pussy now quivering with need.

    She turned back to Frank and asked, "So, Frank, you like to watch your girlfriend get fucked—you like being a cuckold?"

    "Hell yeah," he replied, although he couldn't believe he was being so open and honest, "As long as there is something in it for me."

    "I see," Sheree replied turning back to Jenny, who was now free of her restraints. The blindfold was removed too, "Get on the table and sit with your legs under you."

    Jenny watched as a thick, black strap was thrown over her thighs and felt it being tightened until she was sure the circulation to her legs was cut off. Next, she felt something being strapped around her neck, similar to a dog collar. Then, almost immediately, her arms were pulled behind her as something was slid over them. She felt it being tightened until her arms were pulled tightly behind her, causing her chest to jut out, pushing her B cup tits outward as much as possible.

    A chain was then snapped onto the collar behind her neck and attached to the arm restraints. It was adjusted until her head was pulled backwards until she was looking straight up.

    "Lean forward," Sheree told her, putting her hand on her stomach to steady her. When her upper body was around a 45-degree angle to the table, Sheree told her to stop, "For the next three licks, you are expected to hold this position. If at any time, before the third lick, you come out of this position, we will start over. Do you understand?"

    "Yes ma'am," Jenny nervously replied, her voice quivering. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sheree holding something black. At that moment, she realized that in her position, although her breasts were small, they were hanging down unrestrained and unprotected. With her arms pulled tightly behind her, nothing was protecting them.

    She heard the swish of the belt only a split second before feeling the white-hot stinging sensations in both breasts. Again, she screamed, the intense pain in both nipples almost caused her to pass out.

    At that moment, the door to the front of the church swung open as a very large (at least 6'5, 260lbs) man walked in. Sheree, noticing Sheryl absolutely freeze, turned to the new arrival without a doubt as to who it was.

    I quickly 'manipulated' him so that he, as I had temporarily done to Jenny and Frank, didn't immediately notice anything out of the ordinary. He simply walked down the aisle, stopping in front of Sheree as though he knew she was in charge.

    "You must be Sheryl's ex-husband," Sheree guessed aloud.

    He looked at Sheryl, suddenly noticing she was naked. He replied without taking his eyes off her, "Yeah, I'm Brian."

    I immediately 'instructed' Sheree as to how I wanted her to handle the situation. I also 'released' Brian's senses, allowing him to slowly realize everyone (or at least most) was naked.

    "What in the hell is going on here?" he asked as he looked around completely confused.

    "Nevermind that," Sheree began, "As you can see, your former step-daughter Jenny is on the table and she's naked."

    "Yeah," he replied licking his lips. Jenny couldn't turn to look at him because of her restraints. But she could hear, "Why?"

    "What would you give to have the opportunity to fuck her?" Sheree asked, completely taking him by surprise.

    He was silent for a moment before saying, "Anything as long as her mother is forced to watch."

    "I'll hold you to it," Sheree replied, "You have agreed to 'anything.'"

    She then pointed to the table and said, "Strip and get on the table behind her. The girls are going to remove the strap over her thighs and the chain holding her head up."

    Jenny's mind was screaming at her to run as she watched her former step-father stripping, looking at her with lust filled eyes as he did. But she realized her cunt was soaking wet with desires she could not believe were there.

    Sheryl was forced to stand right next to the table. Her mind wanted to plead with Sheree to spare her daughter from her ex-husband, but she couldn't speak. Like her daughter, she felt the reprehensible stirrings between her legs, feelings she admonished herself for having, as she watched her now naked ex-husband kneel behind her daughter's upturned ass.

    "She's fucking soaked," Brian announced as he sank two fingers into her upturned quim. A moment later, Jenny felt him sink his cock into her in one thrust. Within moments Brian was using her arm restraints as reigns, using them as leverage to slam his cock into her gaping cunt. Jenny couldn't believe how turned on she was and knew she was quickly approaching the point of no return.

    Sheree watched as Jenny's eyes closed and her mouth gaped open with silent passion before unleashing three successive strikes across her wildly shaking and swaying tits.

    Jenny's eyes flew open in surprised, horror as pain once again shot through her chest. Combined with the passion building in her cunt, the pain threw her into the biggest orgasm of her life.

    He let her drop to the table even before she completely finished getting off. Sheree motioned for Beverly and Tina to release her as he climbed down from the table.

    "You didn't get off," Sheree stated, though it was a question too.

    "No, I want to put it in her mother's mouth," he replied.

    "That's fair," Sheree replied as he firmly placed his hand on Sheryl's shoulder, pushing her to her knees.

    Without a word, Sheryl found herself opening her mouth, accepting his cock, which was covered with her daughter's cum.

    "Sheryl just finished eating her out," Sheree informed him as he slammed his cock into Sheryl's mouth, "So, those flavors on your cock are nothing new to her."

    The revelation caused him to cum immediately, slamming his cock as deeply as it would go, holding her face firmly against his crotch, as he pumped his seed into her stomach.

    After they had a moment to recover, Sheree said, "Jenny, you can blame your mother for including you in this. She needed to get off so badly earlier, that she used you to gain permission to cum."

    Jenny was shocked, looking to her mother for some sort of explanation, seeming to hope that it was a lie. But seeing the look on her mother's face immediately let her know Sheree was telling the truth. Sheree continued, "Incidentally, she is also under the impression, Brian, that you are up here to get your ass fucked, just like you do her."

    He glared at her until he realized Sheree's finger was pressing against his asshole. His mind screamed at him to move but his legs simply wouldn't obey.

    She pushed the tip of her finger against his sphincter as she continued, "But I've since decided to give you a gift ... Jenny and Frank are yours. If he likes watching her getting her brains fucked out, then he can watch you doing it. But don't let him fuck her ever again and make sure to get him to introduce you to that college friend of his that he can blackmail, which will help you bed a supposedly hot chick."

    She paused, "I am going to release Sheryl in a little while. Sheryl is going to come to your house and you can do whatever you want with her and Jenny for as long as you want."

    "So, you got lucky Brian," Sheree continued, "I was going to let Sheryl fuck your ass with a strap-on. But why should she get the satisfaction of punishing you when she was the bitch that brought her daughter into all of this, just to get off?"

    "She shouldn't," he replied with a smile.

    "Get out of here before I change my mind," Sheree told him, "And take Jenny and Frank with you."

    "My pleasure," he replied.
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